5 Instagram Editing Apps to Take Your IG to the Next Level

5 Instagram Editing Apps to Take Your IG to the Next Level

Hi Bausenators,

It’s Monday. Ahh a new fresh week arrives to tackle on so many things heading my way. I hope you are all doing well. I have had an increasing amount of messages of “how  I edit my pictures” as promised here you go. Let me know what you guys think and if you ever have a question. You know where to reach me.


I am sure you know what VSCO is, as it’s been around for quite some time, but this year it has been my go-to filter app for Instagram. As a content creator and blogger I love how easy it is to use and it will do all the hard work for you. Such as exposure and contrast. If you aren’t satisfy with the filter, you can customize to what you like.


This app is such an amazing tool when it comes to making pictures bright or tone it to dark. There’s also different techniques to customize what you want. I personally love the brush tool because I can change the bright color to a more dark tone or vice versa. Check the picture below of my Daniel Wellington campaign post to understand what I mean.


FaceTune is my right hand side tool for when I have either a pimple who isn’t working in my favor at times. You can also get rid of unwanted things on your picture. I know I do. Also, there are different tools that are much more easier to attain. Practice makes perfect, but it’s a very accessible tool. ( This app you do have to purchase it, but it’s so worth it) Click this link to take you directly to download it.


Planoly is my best friend when it comes to scheduling my posts. Let’s be real here managing a full time job, internships, events, school, a blog, and everything in between. It can be hard at times to be on Instagram when I actually can’t be present and engage with my audience. However, Planoly is my agenda manager for Instagram it helps me put all those fun hashtags in place and actually schedule my content based on date and time. You got the best of both worlds. Which is perfect for me, because my schedule is just insane lately. But when push comes to shove Planoly is there for you.


UNUM is my ultimate tool when it comes to organizing my feed in a very appealing way. It also helps me analyze what works and what doesn’t before I post on my feed. I like to think of my Instagram as tic-tax-toe. Below is a picture of what I mean more in-depth, but I found it that my audience and brands that have partnered with me find it more appealing.


  • If I learned something through the social media world is to upload quality photos to your Instagram. Although there are times were I want to post a good picture with bad lighting here are the editing apps that help a sister out.
  • Instagram algorithm is constantly changing from left to right. However, Instagram has become the backbone of the social media strategies of businesses, publications, content creators, and of course social media influencers.
  • As a social media influencer I understand the pressure of increasing your posts to capture your audience attention. Here’s how I look at my Instagram.
  • Instagram is my digital magazine platform and I’m the editor. I make sure I post what I like, but I always try to spice it up. I look at it is as a brand representative would. Such as what do I have to offer that is different from any other social media influencer. What makes me different for a brand to partner up with me.

The Take Away

Your Instagram is a reflection of the things you are passionate about. It’s also a reflection of yourself believe it or not, you yourself are a brand. How would you represent yourself? Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to express yourself in an authentic way. Be you and creative!
Love Always,
Yessi Bause